पृष्ठ के पते की प्रतिलिपि बनाएँ ट्विटर पर सांझा करें व्हाट्सएप पर सांझा करें फेसबुक पर सांझा करें
गूगल प्ले पर पाएं
English शब्दकोश से mean शब्द का अर्थ तथा उदाहरण पर्यायवाची एवम् विलोम शब्दों के साथ।

mean   noun

अर्थ : An average of n numbers computed by adding some function of the numbers and dividing by some function of n.

पर्यायवाची : mean value

एक से अधिक राशियों के जोड़ को उनकी संख्या से भाग देने पर प्राप्त होने वाली राशि।

दो और चार की औसत राशि तीन है।
औसत, औसत राशि

mean   adjective

अर्थ : Approximating the statistical norm or average or expected value.

उदाहरण : The average income in New England is below that of the nation.
Of average height for his age.
The mean annual rainfall.

पर्यायवाची : average

अर्थ : Characterized by malice.

उदाहरण : A hateful thing to do.
In a mean mood.

पर्यायवाची : hateful

अर्थ : Having or showing an ignoble lack of honor or morality.

उदाहरण : That liberal obedience without which your army would be a base rabble.
Taking a mean advantage.
Chok'd with ambition of the meaner sort.
Something essentially vulgar and meanspirited in politics.

पर्यायवाची : base, meanspirited

अर्थ : Excellent.

उदाहरण : Famous for a mean backhand.

अर्थ : Marked by poverty befitting a beggar.

उदाहरण : A beggarly existence in the slums.
A mean hut.

पर्यायवाची : beggarly

फकीर जैसा।

बात-बात में झगड़नेवाला महेश आज फकीरी जीवन व्यतीत कर रहा है।
फकीराना, फकीरी, फ़क़ीराना, फ़क़ीरी

अर्थ : (used of persons or behavior) characterized by or indicative of lack of generosity.

उदाहरण : A mean person.
He left a miserly tip.

पर्यायवाची : mingy, miserly, tight

जो बहुत ही कंजूस हो।

सेठ धनीराम मक्खीचूस है, एक पैसा भी खर्च करना नहीं चाहता।
कफनखसोट, कफ़नखसोट, नींबू-निचोड़, मक्खीचूस

अर्थ : (used of sums of money) so small in amount as to deserve contempt.

पर्यायवाची : beggarly

अर्थ : Of no value or worth.

उदाहरण : I was caught in the bastardly traffic.

पर्यायवाची : bastardly

mean   verb

अर्थ : Mean or intend to express or convey.

उदाहरण : You never understand what I mean!.
What do his words intend?.

पर्यायवाची : intend

अर्थ : Have as a logical consequence.

उदाहरण : The water shortage means that we have to stop taking long showers.

पर्यायवाची : entail, imply

अर्थ : Denote or connote.

उदाहरण : `maison' means `house' in French.
An example sentence would show what this word means.

पर्यायवाची : intend, signify, stand for

अर्थ लगाना।

आपने मेरे कथनों का एकदम सही अर्थ लगाया।
अरथाना, अर्थ लगाना, अर्थाना

* अर्थ रखना या मतलब होना।

पावक का अर्थ होता है आग।
अर्थ होना, तात्पर्य होना, मतलब होना

अर्थ : Have in mind as a purpose.

उदाहरण : I mean no harm.
I only meant to help you.
She didn't think to harm me.
We thought to return early that night.

पर्यायवाची : intend, think

अर्थ : Have a specified degree of importance.

उदाहरण : My ex-husband means nothing to me.
Happiness means everything.

अर्थ : Intend to refer to.

उदाहरण : I'm thinking of good food when I talk about France.
Yes, I meant you when I complained about people who gossip!.

पर्यायवाची : have in mind, think of

अर्थ : Destine or designate for a certain purpose.

उदाहरण : These flowers were meant for you.


Mean ka meaning, vilom shabd, paryayvachi aur samanarthi shabd in Hindi. Mean ka matlab kya hota hai?