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Meaning of word buck from English dictionary with examples, synonyms and antonyms.

buck   noun

Meaning : A gymnastic horse without pommels and with one end elongated. Used lengthwise for vaulting.

Synonyms : long horse, vaulting horse

Meaning : A piece of paper money worth one dollar.

Synonyms : clam, dollar, dollar bill, one dollar bill

Meaning : United States author whose novels drew on her experiences as a missionary in China (1892-1973).

Synonyms : pearl buck, pearl sydenstricker buck

Meaning : A framework for holding wood that is being sawed.

Synonyms : horse, sawbuck, sawhorse

Meaning : Mature male of various mammals (especially deer or antelope).

Translation in other languages :

*विविध स्तनपायी जन्तुओं के प्रौढ़ नर।

प्रायः बक अधिक आकर्षक होते हैं।

ବିଭିନ୍ନ ସ୍ତନ୍ୟପାୟୀ ପ୍ରାଣୀଙ୍କ ମଧ୍ୟରେ ଅଣ୍ଢିରା ପୌଢ଼

ଅଣ୍ଢିରା ବଗ ଅଧିକ ଆକର୍ଷକ
ଅଣ୍ଢିରା ବଗ

বিভিন্ন স্তন্যপায়ী প্রাণীদের প্রৌড় পুরুষ

"প্রায়শই প্রৌড় প্রাণীরা বেশী আকর্ষণীয় হয়"

மான் முதலிய மிருகங்களின் ஆண் வகை

ஆண்மானுக்கு கொம்பு உண்டு.
ஆண்மான், ஆண்முயல்

buck   verb

Meaning : To strive with determination.

Example : John is bucking for a promotion.

Meaning : Resist.

Example : Buck the trend.

Synonyms : go against

Meaning : Move quickly and violently.

Example : The car tore down the street.
He came charging into my office.

Synonyms : charge, shoot, shoot down, tear

Meaning : Jump vertically, with legs stiff and back arched.

Example : The yung filly bucked.

Synonyms : hitch, jerk


Buck ka meaning, vilom shabd, paryayvachi aur samanarthi shabd in Hindi. Buck ka matlab kya hota hai?