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Meaning of word shriveled from English dictionary with examples, synonyms and antonyms.

shriveled   adjective

Meaning : (used especially of vegetation) having lost all moisture.

Example : Dried-up grass.
The desert was edged with sere vegetation.
Shriveled leaves on the unwatered seedlings.
Withered vines.

Synonyms : dried-up, sear, sere, shrivelled, withered

जिसमें से जीवनी शक्ति का सूचक हरापन निकल गया हो।

सूखा पेड़ आँधी में गिर गया।

जो सूखने पर हो।

कुम्हलाये पौधों में पानी डाल दो।
कुम्हलाया, मुरझाया, शीर्ण

जिसका हरापन चला गया हो।

गरमी से कुम्हलाये पेड़-पौधे वर्षा की बूँद पड़ते ही हरे-भरे हो गए।
कुम्हलाया, मुरझाया

Meaning : Lean and wrinkled by shrinkage as from age or illness.

Example : The old woman's shriveled skin.
He looked shriveled and ill.
A shrunken old man.
A lanky scarecrow of a man with withered face and lantern jaws.
He did well despite his withered arm.
A wizened little man with frizzy grey hair.

Synonyms : shrivelled, shrunken, withered, wizen, wizened

Meaning : Reduced in efficacy or vitality or intensity.

Example : Our shriveled receipts during the storm.
As the project wore on she found her enthusiasm shriveled.
The dollar's shrunken buying power.

Synonyms : shrivelled, shrunken


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