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Meaning of word speech from English dictionary with examples, synonyms and antonyms.

speech   noun

Meaning : The act of delivering a formal spoken communication to an audience.

Example : He listened to an address on minor Roman poets.

Synonyms : address

संबोधित करने की क्रिया।

आजकल के नेताओं के संबोधन के शब्द खोखले होते हैं।
संबोधन, सम्बोधन

Meaning : (language) communication by word of mouth.

Example : His speech was garbled.
He uttered harsh language.
He recorded the spoken language of the streets.

Synonyms : language, oral communication, speech communication, spoken communication, spoken language, voice communication

ऐसी बात या वचन या उक्ति जो अच्छी लगे।

सुवचन से हम सबको अपना बना सकते हैं।
अच्छी बात, सुकथन, सुभाषित, सुवचन, सूक्त, सूक्त वाक्य, सूक्ति

मनुष्य के मुख से निकलने वाला सार्थक शब्द।

ऐसा वचन बोलें जो दूसरों को अच्छा लगे।
इड़ा, बयन, बाणी, बानी, बोल, बोली, वचन, वाचा, वाणी

Meaning : Something spoken.

Example : He could hear them uttering merry speeches.

किसी की कही हुई ऐसी अनोखी या महत्व की बात जिसका कहीं उल्लेख या चर्चा की जाय।

अपने गुरु के बारे में उसकी उक्ति सुनकर हम सब हैरान हो गये।
पिता का कहा मानो।
अभिलाप, अभिहिति, आख्याति, उकत, उकति, उकुति, उक्ति, उगत, उगार, उग्गार, उद्गार, कथन, कलाम, कहा, गदि, बतिया, बात, बोल, वचन, वाद

सोची-विचारी हुई बात।

उसने मेरी विचारणा पर ध्यान नहीं दिया।

Meaning : The exchange of spoken words.

Example : They were perfectly comfortable together without speech.

Meaning : Your characteristic style or manner of expressing yourself orally.

Example : His manner of speaking was quite abrupt.
Her speech was barren of southernisms.
I detected a slight accent in his speech.

Synonyms : delivery, manner of speaking

Meaning : A lengthy rebuke.

Example : A good lecture was my father's idea of discipline.
The teacher gave him a talking to.

Synonyms : lecture, talking to

Meaning : Words making up the dialogue of a play.

Example : The actor forgot his speech.

Synonyms : actor's line, words

Meaning : The mental faculty or power of vocal communication.

Example : Language sets homo sapiens apart from all other animals.

Synonyms : language


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