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Meaning of word very from English dictionary with examples, synonyms and antonyms.

very   adverb

Meaning : Used as intensifiers. `real' is sometimes used informally for `really'. `rattling' is informal.

Example : She was very gifted.
He played very well.
A really enjoyable evening.
I'm real sorry about it.
A rattling good yarn.

Synonyms : rattling, real, really

Meaning : Precisely so.

Example : On the very next page.
He expected the very opposite.

very   adjective

Meaning : Precisely as stated.

Example : The very center of town.

Meaning : Being the exact same one. Not any other:.

Example : This is the identical room we stayed in before.
The themes of his stories are one and the same.
Saw the selfsame quotation in two newspapers.
On this very spot.
The very thing he said yesterday.
The very man I want to see.

Synonyms : identical, selfsame

Translation in other languages :

जो किसी का प्रतिरूप हो या जो रूप, आकार आदि में एक जैसा हो।

उसने तीन प्रतिरूपी मूर्तियाँ खरीदी।
अनुरूपी, प्रतिरूपी, समरूपी


Very ka meaning, vilom shabd, paryayvachi aur samanarthi shabd in Hindi. Very ka matlab kya hota hai?